Where can I find the raw audio files generated?

The raw audio files generated with SoundID VoiceAI are saved in WAV format (at 16-bit/48kHz). They are stored in the Cache folder in the following locations: 


Macintosh HD/Users/your username/Library/Application Support/Sonarworks/SoundIDVoiceAI/cache



C:\Users\your username\AppData\Roaming\Sonarworks\SoundIDVoiceAI\cache



Note: The user\AppData and User/Library directories on macOS and Windows are hidden by default. To show hidden files and folders, follow the instructions here: How to show hidden files on Mac and Windows?



What files are in the cache folder?

In the Cache folder, there are three types of audio files present. The files can be distinguished by the very first letters in the file names:

  • org - the captured input audio fragment from your track;
  • res - the processed WAV file with SoundID VoiceAI;
  • src - copy of the input file that will be used for processing. 

SoundID VoiceAI cache folder.png

You will want to find the SoundID VoiceAI processed audio files (starting with 'res' in the file name) as these files use the voice or instrument preset you selected in the plugin for processing. 

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